Why Stainless steel
You must decide for Stainless

There are some reasons why should decide for something that will change your enviorment, everyday li

Control and Standards
By the way, the quality is ach

Abiinox, starting from the begining of its existing is trying to include some standards. We know that working with stainless steel is very d

We have a mission
Abiinox is trying to include i

Our mission is to include the Stainless steel use for something different. It will look better in our enviorment and it will increase the qu


About Us

Abiinox u themelua ne vitin 2007 si nje ndermarrje e vogel per prodhimin e parmakeve nga inox-i. Me punen qe benim, prodhimi morri nje ritem te shpejte ne ritje dhe ne ishim te obliguar te zmadhonim puntorin dhe te shtonim numrin e puntoreve qe te arrime tu pergjegjemi ne kohe kerkesave te klienteve. Sipas analizave qe benim, duke u mbeshtetur ne nevojat e klienteve 2 ishin ceshtjet brengosese tonat:
1) Kualiteti
2) Kuantiteti
Ne si ndermarrje te gjithe investimin e kemi perkushtuar ne teknologji moderne dhe vazdhdojme te investojm ne kete fushe. Pas suksesit qe treguam ne kete fushe ne filluam edhe me rritjen e prodhimeve te tjera nga inox-i sic mund te shikoni ne vazhdim. Synimi jone eshte qe me kalimin e kohes ne te arrijme te behemi lider te tregut neprodhimin e te mirave nga inox-i. vendin tone per

The begining

Qe nga fillimi, si cdo kompani tjeter shtruam dilemen: perse INOX?!
Kesaj dileme ju pergjegjem thjesht, ja disa arsye:
Me inox cdo gje jeton me gjate
Me inox cdo produkt eshte me i forte dhe
Me inox duket me bukur.
Poashtu krahasimet e tregut na ofruan ne nje rezultat se produktet qe vinin nga metale dhe lende te tjera ne frymen e klientit tanime ishin diskutabile.


Abi inox was first generated as a family capital business. Today we still ranked small but has oriented implementation of all standards pertaining to the respect of the rule and the worker. Counts assets and tools, counts substantial number of partners and workers, from staff to design according to customer's request to the installation of our products.